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I can safely say, Danny is my secret weapon. 

Romina Titanti, Judo & BJJ Black Belt, Champion

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Danny James has gone above and beyond in his role as my strength and conditioning coach. I have run PB after PB and, more importantly, kept my body injury-free.

Thomas Davies, Champion Middle-Distance Runner

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Hi, I'm Danny James

I coach and write about human performance. I'm here to make good training and health information simpler.

My work here involves curating easy frameworks to help you move better, feel better, and enjoy a more fulfilling pursuit of better health. 

Read more about Danny...

Danny James Profile Pic

You'll Find 3 Things Here: 


Give You The Tools You Need To Build Your Own Perspective On A Complete Training Process.

Bring Simplicity, Structure, Support, And Above All, Meaning To Your Personal Improvement Journey.

Let's start.

Thank you, Danny James. I'm still loving your beautiful emails. 


Sara Lodo 


Read My Latest Articles:

Fit young muscular woman performing dumbbell seated Arnold press
Fit man performing seated arnold press in gym
Fit man in blue performing leg extension machine for fat spot reduction
Fit man in blue performing calf training on a calf raise machine
Muscular man with big hamstrings performing a lying leg curl for hamstring muscle growth

Featured Podcast Episodes (COMING SOON):

Fit man in blue performing leg extension machine for fat spot reduction
Fit man in blue performing calf training on a calf raise machine
Muscular man with big hamstrings performing a lying leg curl for hamstring muscle growth
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This free email series is your definitive guide to eating, training, and recovering to grow muscle and build strength AT WILL (without stalling or burning out).  Sign up to discover...

How many calories you need to build muscle and strength

The best mass building exercises (according to science) that almost no one is doing

Why we lose more muscle than we think on a diet and how to stop it 

Why back squats are NOT the king of leg mass exercises 

How to build muscle and burn fat at the same time (yes, it's possible)

What we know now about spot reduction, and other myths...

Specific volume, load, frequency, and exercise recommendations for each body part 

Fitness woman preparing post-workout shake
The Science of Foam Rolling Banner
Mike Mentzer Dips and Triceps
metabolism guide
Woman asks ''do you like coffee''

''I just wanted to say a huge, huge THANK YOU for all your help this season! This has been the first time in about 5 years that I have been able to make it through the season healthy and I attribute that to both you and Ben for all your help and guidance. This has been the most enjoyable athletics season I’ve ever had, so thank you so much for playing a big part in that! 

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Kate Spencer, Distance Runner & Australian Representative

"I won't lie, before I started training with you I really wasn't the biggest fan of doing gym work, but now I find myself looking forward to every session. Your energy and excitement for training is next level which makes training super fun, and often means it is the highlight of my day."

Kate Spencer

Distance Runner, Australian Representative

"You completely changed my derby career and made me stronger and way fitter than I could have ever imagined myself to be, and I am eternally grateful to you.

You have given us so much over the years. Thank you for your generosity, your endless support, your knowledge, and all the best for this next chapter.''

Danielle Williams 

Roller Derby Champion, South Side Derby Dolls

"Danny uses his knowledge and expertise to guide every individual toward their unique long-term goal by breaking the journey down into manageable parts. He emphasises patience and consistency as a pathway for sustainable success. He motivates and educates you to focus your energy on where you will gain the greatest returns through an individual approach. Danny is determined to renew, nurture and sustain your enthusiasm and love for enhancing your own long-term health. His energy and enthusiasm are contagious and builds confidence in his clients to believe in their unique ability. "

Sophie Boyle

Physiotherapist, Representative Hockey Player

"What Danny offers goes above and beyond. Not only does he help with training and keeping me on track, but his emails and updates on the latest fitness science and research adds another layer and gets me thinking about what/why/how behind what I am doing as well as focusing on the end result (which is pretty darn good too!)'' 

Marcus Hurley 

"Danny is an absolutely incredible coach who is both deeply knowledgeable, and also takes the time to understand the reason WHY you are undertaking coaching."

Georgia Winkcup

Steeplechase, Olympian

"It was really a pleasure working alongside you for the time I did not long after EXOS. You helped install a lot of calmness in my coaching and how to get the best out of people.'' 

Daniel Morgan 

High Performance Coach

"He was there every step of the way in and out of fight camps and was incredibly knowledgeable in building a program that was tailored to what I needed. As all great coaches do, they care and Danny was the absolute most enthusiastic and supportive coach I could've asked for. 

If you want a coach that knows what they're doing but genuinely cares for you, your sport, and your well-being then Danny is the guy for you. "

Nong Bee

Muay Thai, NSW Champion

"I've been training with Danny consistently over the last five years and can confidently say that his knowledge and passion for my progression in strength and agility has not only improved my skateboarding but also my overall health.

In that time, I've had multiple ankle injuries, some requiring surgery, and I've also sustained knee and elbow ligament injuries just due to the rough nature that skateboarding can have on the body. But with his personal programs, I've managed to not only recover from the injuries but strengthen them to a point where they are in better health than pre-injury, while always having your motivation and overall health at the top of his priorities.'' 

Juan Onekawa 


"I first went to see Danny after about my 20th round of physiotherapy for a stubborn rotator cuff injury that I had been struggling with for years. I knew that physiotherapy alone wasn't enough in this case, and that I had to build up strength in my body in order to prevent the injury from recurring. I had zero experience with working out or using gym equipment, but Danny's demeanour and professionalism helped me feel comfortable throughout the learning process. Danny was extremely patient with my lack of experience and with my injury, so I was able to learn and build up strength at a pace that ensured I was keeping good form and not re-injuring my shoulder. 

My time working one-on-one with Danny has given me the knowledge and confidence to now train on my own without fear of re-injury.

 It's now been 2 years since I started training with Danny and I have not had to go back to physio yet! I will always be grateful for Danny's compassion, patience, and expertise in helping me overcome my injury and evolve into a person that prioritises my physical health."

Megan Allard

Artist, Tattooist

"Thanks for everything you have done for me over the so many years. You got me back to the derby track after my ACL and you have taught me so much over the years.'' 

Danielle Oberekar

Roller Derby Champion, South Side Derby Dolls

"Danny James was the perfect coach to start me on my journey into strength. I was a skinny marathoner. I still do marathons, but now I run faster on less training miles because I'm strong. 

He's evidence based and always enthusiastic, and the personalised plans got me where I wanted to go. 

I moved to the UK but he's still checking in to see how I'm going and sharing tips. He's a beast. 100% recommend working with Deadlift Danny for endurance sport.'' 

Al Houghton

Ultra Endurance Athlete

"When I first met Danny I was weak and unfit. I had not exercised in a long time and I was prone to falls. I was overweight and very nearly obese. I have chronic weakness on one side of my body. My experience over the last 12 months of steady improvement and excellent guidance and management of my exercise program. 

The exercises I am introduced to in the training sessions is organised so I can repeat the exercises between training sessions at the gym. 

One of the best features of Danny's work is that he is very knowledgeable about how the body works. He has structured the routines to suit me as an individual with all my peculiarities. 

He is patient, professional, and the sessions are always fun. Danny is respectful always, and he has a good sense of humour and great interpersonal skills to adapt to each person's personality and needs. Danny pays attention to what you are doing and how you are doing it. HIs capacity to maintain energy for the task throughout the session is a great motivator. There is no yelling or suggestion that I need to do the exercise until it hurts. I never hear ''you can do it, just 5 more to go.'' After each session I have minimal pain because Danny monitors how much of each task I do. 

 Because I have poor balance and a weak arm and leg, Danny modifies standard routines so I can get the effect by a different process. His creativity is amazing. When my body (and perhaps my brain) rebels and demonstrates my inability with a new task, Danny thinks a bit and then suggests another way. He has done this on many occasions. 

Danny has not treated me as if I am a cripple. My weak left side is just another of my individual characteristics that he works with. Danny get's the pace right. The program changes regularly and a surprising new weight seems scary at first but great when it's conquered. 

The very best part is the improvement. The exercises I do are practical. Now I can get to the floor, or lean over to pick something up without falling over or leaning on something. I can walk upstairs and downstairs without holding onto a rail. I have small bumps in my muscles  which I think will keep growing and I feel stronger, physically than I have ever been.

 I have not had a fall for many months because now I can regain balance and avoid the fall. I have lost weight with Danny's guidance on cardio exercises and I am now at my doctor's recommendation for weight. I am a big fan.'' 

Pat Hanson 


"Danny is great at what he does! He not only focuses on fixing any struggles or problems you are facing in the present but comes up with an ingenious plan to ensure the problems do not resurface in the future, while also working towards personal training goals.

Through his program I have learnt a lot from Danny about correct training procedures and form. I now know how to navigate my body during previously difficult and strenuous exercises. Most definitely would recommend this program to anyone looking to improve their training.''

Dylan Mahony

Biomedical Engineer and Neuroscientist

"With a history of overuse injuries we sat down together and planned out a simple, effective routine that supported my running goals. Just consistent, targeted activities that build strength and conditioning which helped me achieve my sub 3-hour marathon goal. 

I'd recommend Danny to anyone, not just because of his knowledge and expertise, but because he's genuinely interested in getting to know you and designing programs that meet your needs.''

Marc Bennie

Endurance Athlete

''When my knee and shoulder pain started to hamper my training to the point I stopped, I turned to Danny to get his help as I am busy and struggle with time to write my own programs. Danny is someone who I respect highly and trust with my health so it was a no brainer. 

With his knowledge, I knew I was in good hands and being somewhat skeptic about online training (due to seeing the damage of poorly designed programming that you can buy cheaply) I decided to give it a go and he's been able to get me back into training without pain and has been flexible when new issues arrive. He has also educated me along the way and I've been able to help my own clients with what I've learnt.

The system is set up tp take the thinking out of the training and just do what is required. I highly recommend Danny's online training to anyone who needs help with training and doesn't have the time to get to see him face to face or wants quality programming and guidance.'' 

Matthew Loudon

Personal Trainer, Wellness Coach

"Even though this isn't my primary aim - I've been getting all sorts compliments about how much my body shape has changed. Things are happening!'' 

Sara Cargill



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